In situations where risks cannot be controlled by other means such as systems of work or engineering controls, employers are required to protect their employees from risks to health & safety by providing suitable personal protective equipment (PPE).
The Employer Must:
- Provide suitable protective equipment free of charge
- Maintain PPE in working order & good condition
- Provide relevant training in the use of PPE
- Consult with employees on the suitability of the PPE to be provided
The PPE Provided Must:
- Be relevant to the work being undertaken
- Protect effectively against the particular risk involved
- Comply with relevant standards
- Fit the user properly & comfortably & adjust where necessary
The Employee Must:
- null
- Use the PPE provided
- Report any loss, defects or damage to PPE
- Take care to correctly store the PPE when not in use
For more information regarding PPE, Suncoast Safety can help.
If you’re looking for a reliable, honest and professional safety consultant for your business, give us a call today on 0429990418 or (07)54932961